On Wednesday, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif officially inaugurated the “Apni Chat Apna Ghar” program of the Punjab government. Under this program, the Punjab government will provide 1 lac rupees interest-free capital to create houses. 5 million will be an interest-free loan that can be paid in easy annual installments spanning seven years.
She addressed the program’s initial workshop here on Wednesday and informed me that the program has been designed to support the cause of offering cheap housing to the people of Punjab. She further said the long-existing “Apni Chat Apna Ghar” dream has come true.
The CM said that these loans would be given for construction houses on one to five plots in urban areas and one to ten in rural areas.
In her speech, she stated that citizens can obtain these loans through an online portal operated by the Punjab Information Technology Board or through a toll-free number, 080009100.
She added, “The person will have to repay the loan in installments, Rs 14,000 monthly, without interest during the next seven years. There were no taxes or hidden charges included in these loans. ”
More importantly, Maryam Nawaz Sharif said that she used to work sixteen hours a day without any rest. “I do not take rest, nor do I let members of my team take rest,” the CM said, adding, “That is why Punjab is leading other provincial states in all areas. Of course, other provincial governments are prospectively competing with Punjab. ”
She stated that the Punjab government would provide Rs. 5 million in loans for each person who had a piece of land for building the house. “Saying you, if you want any additional information, call 080009100,” she told me.
The CM added that the provincial government would develop the largest solar project in the world to end the power crisis once and for all.
On the same day, there was a ceremony where a woman raised and said that most people were yet to be provided homes under the Shehbaz Sharif scheme. “They are all eye-wash, political stunts I have been fighting for justice for so many years,” the woman told this writer.
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